Addendum: - (reply to scientific criticism)

Thanks for replying. That is an uncommon thing in itself and I am extremely grateful for your obviously precious time taken in even composing a reply. Your comments on my video were very much appreciated. Thank you also for that.

Certainly the overall concept as presented is intentionally fanciful but beyond that fantasy, there are some unanswered questions that I have yet to see addressed seriously, if at all. Maybe you could take a few seconds to consider the following, given that luthiers tend not to be particle physicists and hollow music strings are never considered anywhere at all, to the best of my knowledge. Try Googling "hollow music strings" (it's not there).

It is definitely unexplored territory and I know full well that most people, scientifically knowledgeable or not, are not generally aware of just how sensitive music strings are when under tension. It is a fact that no music string, when in tension, anywhere in the universe is perfectly still (unless damped), since there will always be some disturbing radiation of one kind or another, be it "gravity waves", energetic particle propagation, magnetic flux (or Pete Townshend for that matter). No matter how vanishingly small the impulse, a taut string will always respond with movement. As I said, a music string is "the simplest possible machine".

This means that no tensioned music string is ever straight, except for the infinitely short time (i.e., no time at all) it spends in passing the mid-point of each cycle of vibration. It can be said to be always moving and thus never at rest (hypothetically "straight"). A hand-clap from across a room can set a guitar ringing; strings are that "keen" to vibrate.

This very sensitivity has never been exploited because the subject of actual solid physical music string vibration is so far outside the remit of the particle physics scientific community, that it holds no interest for those folks and so never gets studied. I repeat: - luthiers tend not to be particle physicists and hollow music strings are never considered.

Re: - 1st Law Thermodynamics: - I don't think I am asking for something for nothing. In the full description I state that an external power supply would be needed to at least start the process. Even if that power supply were to be continually sustained, thus using whatever power were to be necessary to continue the process, I am still curious as to whether the plausibility of multiple, chained and synchronous sonoluminescece bubble collapse events is real. If real, what would be the properties? Surely that is worth examining.

What I am really interested in is a proper analysis of the actual mechanics of the idea of the feedback potential in such a system. To date, nobody has actually pointed to any specific point in the details of my description which would negate this theoretical scenario, given an external power supply (if you wish). Moreover, as far as I am aware, nobody has managed (or attempted) to stimulate even two synchronised SL events side by side within the same chamber. How would one set about achieving that end? Given current methods such a thing is plainly impossible.

It does seem obvious though, that any single collapse event produces an electromagnetic pulse - so if any two pulses are synchronised, the distance between them must represent a wavelength of radiation vectored in-line with the pair. In a previous version of my web site I produced a graphic to illustrate this point: -

If this is occurring within the string longitudinally, that wavelength, by simple light-speed division, infers the existence of a discrete radio frequency which will pass to the coils, thus "bootstrapping" the whole process instantaneously as a "squaring" function upon itself in an infinite loop, forcing frequency multiplication and thus wavelength division right down to Planck length.

Discuss. Cheers; steve acworth

Whilst the précis for the broad idea is undeniably based upon assumption and conjecture - and given that the suggested assembly control jig contained within the proposal might well appear somewhat fanciful, I sincerely believe the basic simple principle to be theoretically sound. That is, the inherent diamagnetism and mutual antipathy of the materials central to the construction of the music string and rotor arrangement described will enable the formation of microscopically small water-strings which can be made subject to constrictive compression(s) by the combined actions of the rotor and coils, potentially leading to synchronous chained sonoluminescence.

People have often suggested that I should make a simple demonstration of this basic principle to show the viability of the idea but this argument is not well-reasoned. After long and hard (30 years) study of suitable designs for harmonic control, I have long since come to the conclusion that it cannot be made any simpler. As I see it, a very broad spectrum of potential resonances must be made available to be easily swept through, in order that "sweet spots" may be found and latched on to or quickly suppressed (Note*1). To that end, the design of radial stators, coils, piezo-electric transducer feedback sources and the string tensioning system, as controlled by gas pressure, are herein fairly well optimised. In my opinion, it would be pointlessly extravagant therefore to attempt to hook up the vastly complex array of laboratory equipment that would be otherwise necessary in order to duplicate, by other different means, the same degree of synchronous harmonic control, as made available, as specified in the layout described.

Moreover, given the uncertain properties of any emanating electromagnetic output that might propagate within and from the core spaces (should a strong feedback loop resonance be struck), the case for robotic or digital control systems being employed becomes redundant, since powerful high frequency alternating and/or rotating fields would represent an exteremely undesirable ambient presence. Thus by inference, direct manual control of the jig would seem to be not only ideal but essential and the entire design from inception has been built around the fundamental premise that this would have to be solely a manually operated machine.

(Note*1) Ancillary components: - Further to the subject of control, it seemed important to me that again, given the uncertain nature of any resultant E.M.F. power emanations that might be propagating from the core spaces, it should be possible to instantly close down the system. The double-axe shaped bronze shorting bar would facilitate this, again incorporating the simplest possible manually operated design - (I call this "The Off-Switch").

Because the central pressure cylinder block is necessarily electrically non-conductive, a small amount of mercury needs to be temporarily introduced at start-up to complete the circuit. The easiest way to achieve this, whilst retaining completely manual control of operation, was considered to be the looped handle, a mercury-filled flexible tubing chamber.

The pressure-setting handle mechanism assembly is required to enable water replenishment as well as coarse and fine string-tensioning adjustment. The central screw pin (14) aids sympathetic system resonance, being of magnostrictive alloy and the array of short-turn rings mounted on the outer handle sleeve will add directional focus to this resonance, clearly vectored towards the rotor chamber.

All parts are designed for unambiguous fit during manual assembly (without tools) and are of robust construction. Whist I am convinced that the principle is sound and true, I am by no means fanatical about it and am perfectly prepared to be proven wrong by anyone who is in a position to disprove the theoretical hypothesis or who is able to demonstrate in some practical way any such errors as I may have come to depend upon as fact.

As might be expected from the very nature of the beast, especially in view of the assumptions contained within my original starting-point, many have dismissed this proposal before actually grasping it even in any small way and also inevitably, many have assumed that I am a seeker after "perpetual motion". Such nonsense does not warrant serious answer. Of course, there is no such thing as "Free Energy" and to that I would add here that the said string will inevitably fatigue to the point of eventual breakage and the water will "burn off", facts which in this scenario will lead to strictly limited periods of operation.

Also, in terms of cost, if the carbon fibre string core is to be assembled from a coherently arranged tow bundle (not believed by the author to be essential but quite possibly preferable), then the sophistication of the required manufacturing technology would imply extremely high expense in terms of research and development.

Steven R. M. Acworth; 9th February 2011

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