Hi Folks! Steve Ferguson shared a website that I've just reviewed and I have to say it is the most exciting thing I've seen in YEARS....why? Because this guy, Mr. Steven R. M. Acworth is KEELY REBORN!! The page and all the descriptive links are extremely thorough and well done and I intend to try to capture it all for study. If you have long been puzzled about Keely and how he did what he claimed, this is an excellent modern description of how to produce a motor force from vibration.... His website is SparkSpin at; http://www.sparkspin.btinternet.co.uk/goes_map.htm and the technical page that is so exciting, at least for me is; http://www.sparkspin.btinternet.co.uk/Eden.htm Absolutely you should go check it out and click on all the embedded links so you can see the excellent animations and diagrams to illustrate the effect. For those of you investors out there, this guy is ON IT....using extremely weaks vibrations to develop a powerful MOTOR FORCE....just as Keely did when he could strum a zither or play a series of notes on a violin string to start his Globe Motor that would spin at high velocity and develop sufficient force to rip apart a 3" rope or instantly twist a thick metal shaft.