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"- in one paragraph to see if I can understand it?..."
(recent mail to a friend)- something of a contradiction in terms, my old son! Nevertheless - I'll have a go, though some form of introduction is required, I think; hopefully I shall avoid trying to teach my grandmother to suck eggs but "to begin at the beginning"... (Dylan Thomas)...
Right at the start of man's "understanding" of the universe he inhabits, I mean at the point where we began to attribute the effects and properties of nature to the fundamental building blocks, rather than "spirits" or "gods" and got down to the nitty-gritty of matter, it was discovered that water was composed of just two elements: Hydrogen & Oxygen.Soon it became apparent that there was some kind of paradox involved; i.e.: -From that starting point, the main goal (in simplistic terms) of particle physics has been to quantify the stuff of the known universe, usually examined in vast (and horrendously expensive) toroidal vacuum chambers, wherein particles are made to collide, at speeds approaching and equaling that of light, in an effort to understand just what it is that guides and controls the whole shooting match, structure-wise (and there have been some clever bastards out there, no denying that).The prospect of getting water to self-destruct, yielding virtually limitless free energy in the process, has been the "philosopher's stone" of scientists since that understanding began.Unfortunately (or fortunately) there is a bug in the system. That bug is Quantum Physics, which deals, in the main, with duality - and certainly symmetry. Absolutely nobody understands Quantum, even though the simplest transistor depends entirely upon its action for its operation. It is God's little (or huge) joke on mankind. Probably the simplest demonstration of Quantum is the double-slit light-beam experiment:-A light beam played upon a slit in a wall barrier disperses into a spectrum and spreads, rather like when it passes through a prism. Interference patterns are caused by the path differences and demonstrate their presence by dark / light lines on a projection screen. With modern technology, the individual light "particles" or "packets" can be counted. The real problem raises its ugly head when two slits are arranged side by side and the counting begins again. It was discovered that light has to be considered as co-existing in two (apparently incompatible) forms, i.e., as waves and as particles.Why? - Because the interference patterns caused by the phase cancellation brought about by the path differences in the light beam's distance traveled are replicated even when a single photon is released, sequentially followed by another and then by another and then another & so on... the same dark / light patterns emerge over time.So it appears that either matter "knows about itself" and "what its destiny is" or it exists in two places at the same time simultaneously; or both; and nobody is really sure.And all this time, we depend entirely upon Quantum for the operation of all of the digital equipment we use in our daily lives, without having the slightest idea why it works. Then there is the problem of gravity, about which we know practically nothing, except for the effect that it has.As hard and as long as Physicists study the nature of matter, there appears to be no limit to the detail that "God" has built into our universe. Every year that comes around, there is a new statement regarding how close we (they) are to a complete understanding. It's mainly about budget, I suspect; and the justification thereof...Then, early in the 20th century, somebody noticed that under certain circumstances, if water is bombarded with sound, in a controlled way, then tiny flashes of light erupt, derived from microscopic bubbles that expand as if from nowhere and then collapse.The mechanism is far from being understood but was given the name (derived from the Latin, I guess) "sonoluminescence". It was soon discovered that the energy in / energy out in the sonoluminescence equation was vast and impossible to explain and equally impossible to benefit from, i.e., capture and put to work.Much study was given to the subject; you can read extensively about it on the internet. Search engines will deliver a long list of sites and one of the best I've found is at:-There was even a sci-fi film ("Chain Reaction") made about sonoluminescence but, as is normally the case with sci-fi, they got the entire thing out of context and proportion and merely added negative credibility to the subject.The credibility issue is important here. The search for controlled fusion is a knife-edged business. World economy depends upon fossil fuels and the drugs trade. To suggest that one has found the answer to controlled fusion is a standpoint fraught with all sorts of dangers. Most respectable scientists won't go anywhere near there, even if they suspect that there could be a clue of truth in the source material.There really is no alternative answer to exactly what it is that brings about the vast imbalance of energy in / energy out in the sonoluminescence equation, other than that fusion, albeit on a microscopic level, is involved. If one had truly found a way to produce virtually unlimited energy from just water (and a little vibration), compounded by the fact that one had no scientific credentials of any sort, who would want to listen? Therein lies the problem. I thought it best to publish and be damned. If I'm wrong, we can have a laugh about it. If I'm right, then world economy in its present incarnation is at risk. Well, it couldn't really be any less fair, could it?The fact is that nobody but a music string mechanic could have stumbled upon the hypothesis which I propose; it simply would not occur to a "conventional" particle physicist. They have to have their vacuum chambers and huge electromagnets - I consider that approach as using a sledge hammer to crack a walnut. A music string is probably the most efficient machine there can be. Twang it and it goes on and on swinging back and forth; it has nothing else to do. Depending upon the rig to which it is attached, that swing can be long-lived or short lived. I made a very comfortable living for very many years out of being intimate with what music strings like to enable them to work well and "be happy". Ask Jeff Beck or Hank Marvin. I do know strings.My first thoughts on a plausible link between string mechanics and fusion were along the lines that it should be possible to support a plasma string within a hollow music string and thus be able to control the harmonic divisions by means of feedback. It wasn't until in 2000 that I found out about the existence of sonoluminescence & put two and two together realising that exactly the rig I had designed to hopefully control plasma (a lost cause because of temperature, among other reasons), would be perfect for containment and control of that other beast: sonoluminescence.The broader details aside, it all begins with water and its extreme antipathy to carbon. It is possible to make a music string with a multifilament core of carbon fibres, bound together inside a wire winding: Here are some graphics from my site to help explain.
or not...
multifilament core >< wire winding
(twice as many capillaries as there are fibres).
If the string is immersed in boiling water and allowed to cool, water vapour will condense into liquid water but can't lie in contact with the carbon, so forms into strings.A carbon fibre takes on a silvery appearance when immersed in water, demonstrating the antipathy. To do a simple experiment at home, coat a bronze coin in soot from a candle flame and dunk into a glass of water. Look at a shallow angle across the surface of the submersed and blackened coin in the direction of a light source. Mirror finish!WARNING! You are approaching a part of this mail with mild strobe effects!!!
If you are acquainted with the general behaviour of string harmonics, you'll see that the environment described is very likely to be ideal for the containment and control of sonoluminescence bubble collapse events within the water strings.It is accepted (and inevitable) that the sonoluminescence light emission has to be due to a jump of state for the enclosed gas molecules within the generated bubble as it converts to a plasma, hence the photon emission. Thus any two (very importantly) synchronous sonoluminescence events must represent a discrete wavelength of electromagnetic radiation: (in the direction of the coincidencental synchronicity) :
Don't stare too long at this animation.You can get a feeling for the forced symmetry imposed upon the string and its contents by placing your mouse pointer between the letters 'o' & 'e' in the word 'echoes' in the animation below.
Any two synchronous sonoluminescence events represent a discrete wavelength.but only if there is perfect synchronicityThis machine defines the symmetry required to control that synchronicity.It's about nodes, antinodes and above all, probability control.
and here comes that one paragraph that you asked for:"Any two synchronous S.L. bubble events that may occur will define, by their symmetrical spacing, an analogue precise new wavelength of electromagnetic radiation with its own implied longitudinal frequency, which passes to the coils, in turn becoming a reciprocal phase controlling force. An 'infinite squaring' function is thus applied to the feedback loop modulus and potential node separation is immediately limited only by fundamental particle spacing."For the first time ever, we may observe the effects of interaction between S.L. events.
This wavelength is, however just one of the many frequencies which will be generated by different synchronous pairs of SL events in this machine. Also importantly, conditions for the probability of sonoluminescence will always be identical symmetrically either side of the octave node of string speaking length:(To quote from my 'on site' complete specification)"Photon emission from any S.L. event will be absorbed laterally by the black carbon fibres but at shallow angles of incidence longitudinally, light will be conducted along each capillary axis by the water-strings' fibre optic properties. The synchronous nature of such streamed photon emissions will thus generate multiple and parallel lasers from the capillaries." Quite simply, the water will burn. "Sparkspin" © 1984-which would be jolly handy in itself... small, potable tool... cuts whacking great holes in things and runs on water (plus a bit of manual vibration) and that ain't the end of it...
and for a real treat for the eyes:
By the way, the animation above is a six-frame airbrushed sequence made in Painter 5.5and yes, I made a mess of the end bits (cartoon lasers).But it pulses not unpleasantly so I left it...
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