5th June 2002. After meeting with no success with the (recorded) generation of sonoluminescence from within a music string by the methods descibed here (2nd June 2002), it was decided to apply better control to the experiment for the following reasons:~

Even if sonoluminescence had been momentarily achieved by merely twanging the string, the web camera being used to hopefully pick up and register any photon emission is so slow in its reaction time that any flashes would most probably have been missed. Sustained bombardment will now be attempted.

The guitar pickup is now to be used merely to assess the resonant frequency of the string and the sonic energy is to be provided by placement of the frame directly over the amplifier's loudspeaker. A tunable sustained note is to be supplied via my 8-track mixer from a Yamaha QY20 sequencer (below) to match the string's fundamental resonance. Results?

Fostex DMT8 hard disc recorder...Yamaha QY20 sequencer...

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