What can I possibly add to this massively over-subscribed subject? Those fine chaps at:http:/www.flyingsaucery.com have recently provided some badly needed sane comment on the whole topic and I for one am glad to hear what they have to say. Their new book, "Out of the Shadows" debunks much of the hysteria and puts things neatly into perspective. It makes no sense to me that intelligent beings would spend their lives in between the stars, cooped up in a tin can with nothing but mischief on their minds but there are other logistical angles to take into account. The dog in the manger still remains Quantum. I just got it backwards.
Put simply, it appears that if somebody actually gets to the point where they can control gravity, then they will inevitably also be affecting time. Therefore, if one jumps to the conclusion that ufos are from another galaxy physically light years away it is poor reasoning indeed; it is just as likely that if they exist at all, they could just as easily come from next door ~ a millisecond removed from our dimension. Maybe these emanations are purely accidental "leaks" generated by experimenters from another time. Possibly even a Wednesday... One famous video clip in particular (cartooned below) brings into question the whole issue of aerodynamics and human perception. The saucer shape would certainly be advantageous in an atmosphere like ours (if one had indeed truly conquered gravity), since in terms of manoeuvrability any lateral flight direction would present the same aerofoil but in plain old fashioned three dimensions, a sphere would probably be best of all. There is an air of "Dr. Who" or "Lost in Space" about the object in that clip. Dunno. Meandering. Here's an approximation of the clip referred to ("mouse over" the object):
Apparently the cylindrical object (and I just faked this in about three minutes), "hung around" for quite some time and obviously had the aerodynamic properties of a dustbin. If genuine, this smacks of experiment on somebody's behalf, I would say. This encounter, as many allegedly do, ended with the object shooting vertically upwards at some impossible speed. In this HTML page, the object disappears instantaneously on ''mouse over'' but notice how it can seem to go upwards. All in the mind ~ a question of perception. We don't expect things to disappear so we fill in the detail by interpretation. If you recognise & can identify this famous clip, do please let me know so that I can label it. You can mail me at:
sparkspin@btinternet.com Returning to the subject of manoeuvrability, the following question is most surely relevant: If such craft have ever existed, do exist or maybe someday will exist, it must be a requirement that the occupants are a part of or are included within the altered state of gravity extant. Just a few extra 'Gs' of accelleration are enough to cause severe problems to creatures that spend their lives 'stuck to the floor' on an Earth-type planet. Fighter pilots' experiences testify to this. Those commonly reported fantastic feats of accelleration performed by ufos would crush an ordinary human unless the enclosed environment contained an all-pervading force OR - if as suggested, the things just disappear by moving (however slightly) in time... At the opposite corner but actually reinforcing the argument, muscle-wasting zero G would make puny little grey men out of the best of us after years in space. Good place to start to build a conspiracy; me, I'm confused. So I said nothing. (~ to be continued...)