Beethoven, the Old English Sheepdog dies in 1989 and to soothe the animal's last hours, Steve sings him a daft song he has written just for that purpose: (click link) "Eiffel the Giraffe" - a kind of Bonzo Dog / George Formby style ditty. When the dog has departed this life, he decides to take a break from a current recording studio project to record the giraffe song in tribute to the animal who has featured so largely in his life for the previous 11 years.By quirk of fate, the engineer at the studio has been commisioned to provide (click link) humorous jingles for the evening "shock-jock" at the local FM commercial radio station and is stuck for ideas. Silly jingle-type songs are second nature to Steve, who "cut his teeth" on George Formby ukulele and together with the engineer he embarks on production of an extensive catalogue of radio jingles for the shock-jock's late night show. Within a short time, he has become blasé about being "on the radio" every night of the week and the shock-jock DJ's show has become very jingle-orientated, phone-in listeners insisting on certain of the jingles be played several times a night...
The guitar solo mpeg sound file (embedded in a page) that comes with this was written for the show's opening flagship jingle. Despite having hundreds of guitars passing through his hands on a monthly basis, Steve didn't own one that would do the job so made one just for this solo. The guitar took just one day to make and necessarily had a distressed finish. sample in media player The solo was his own private joke with himself, being one of the most complex things he could write or play ~ intended to be recognised by other listening musicians as being performed on a "Telecaster"™ ® Fender style guitar ~ but to serve specifically as talk-over music... Just a moment here to just say "Thanks, Leo Fender". That's all. |
But in 1990 the DJ is suspected as being caught with his hand in the cash register drawer over a supposed "Charity Record", derived from a jingle (written and recorded by Steve and the engineer) and it all turns into a very nasty bucket of worms...The DJ is sacked from the radio station and Steve is thrown into withdrawal...
A hobby is needed to relax so Archery enters the field. A period of bow, arrow, crossbow and bolt-making ensues.
The Plastic Anti-feedback acoustic Guitar:~
By 1993 he is hot on the trail, after many years of failed experiment, towards a breakthrough in the design of a "disposable" acoustic guitar that can be made from plastic, that will sound as good as any wooden instrument. Such a design has been long sought after by many luthiers but they are mostly grounded in the minutia of traditional wooden guitar construction methods and Steve knows very little of these niceties, having concentrated on 'plank' electric solids. Not only does the new formula work well acoustically but when fitted with a transducer "bug", the plastic guitar cannot be induced to feed-back, even at massive output amplifier volume... |
A major US manufacturer becomes interested and is thoroughly impressed by the demonstation but mysteriously drops out of the deal. This and later developments convince Steve that the problems his father had had with the Freemasons were to blight his family name forever...
But he continues to use the plastic guitar format to make a selection of weird and strange instruments; such as this multi-stringed fretless harp-sitar... and another one similar(wav file in media player)
The QY20 Sequencer & The St.George Suite. For the FM radio jingle work he has learned the rudimental basics of MIDI sequence programming but when Yamaha bring out the infamous QY20 pocket-sized sequencer, he has the tool he needs to programme the orchestral works he's had buzzing around his head for years. Six months of programming in step-write result in The St. George Suite and he sends the piece on CD to the makers of the machine who immediately order 20 CD copies for their sales staff to use as demonstration of the machine's potential. They are impressed. Copies go around the world but the old jinx on the family name kicks in and there is nothing but deafening silence by way of reaction and nobody will even come to the phone... |
A second visit to the Mediterranean further convinces him that all is not right with the history books
The String hypothesis explains perfecly the fact that we can't emulate the great feats of the ancient world:- the string eventually runs out, wherever we go among the stars and settle to start again with another "Eden" planet; it has ever been so.
But 1995 sees a major change and this leads to disaster on an unprecedented scale. The crooked DJ (from 1989-1990) calls again to say he's got a new job on national radio and requests that Steve should make a new set of jingles for his show. Steve is wary but agrees, taking on board a new writing partner. The promised royalties sound great so he spends three months writing, arranging and producing a fresh set of 120 jingles (small sample here). Live radio appearances, improvising on-the-spot jingles to phone-in listener suggestions tax their capabilities to the limit. Their gruelling schedule of non-stop music production leads to exhaustion and weakens their defences to what is to follow:-
It is a confidence trick on the part of the DJ (again). The royalties are truly miniscule in reality compared to what has been promised and both Steve and his partner are bankrupted. Studio costs have been enormous and the guitarist customers have gone elsewhere to have their instruments "race-tuned". Twenty years of hard-won good will is lost forever. Deep anger. Severe clinical depression sets in with a large smattering of alcohol. What follows for Steve is a nervous breakdown, divorce and a period of psychiatric care, culminating in a failed suicide attempt. rosalouisa |
Unable to face the derision of those around him at his misfortune he moves to Wales and begins, in convalescence, to surf the local library internet terminal to further his knowledge regarding particle physics. It is at this point that he discovers the area of science known as sonoluminescence. He realises that this is the key to his previous hypothesis and that the machine he has already designed fits the bill perfectly and that he needs to make no alterations at all to it; he'd got its proportions right first time around. He launches into postal land mail communication again with The Ministry of Defence, in the hope that they will understand the possible connection between sonoluminescence and string. He supplies drawings and all that he can give in terms of written specification. He is shocked to discover that they don't have any research facilities of any kind and that everything is always put out to private contractors. They will not even discuss sonoluminescence and confine him to the "Crank and nutter" folder. Again. Their replies to his communication are meaningless and irrelevant, abounding with mis-quotes and demonstrate that the subject has not been given anything more than a cusory sneering glance:- From the UK MOD:- "Mr. Acworth's jump from the particle physics world 'Superstring Theory' to music strings is a quantum leap in the wrong direction, and I'm afraid a perfect example of the old proverb 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing'. Superstrings were nothing to do with musical string or any other strings for that matter, the word was used as a convenient description of the matter that forms the basic building blocks of the universe... Using a coiled magnetic field to contain plasma is not a new idea; it is the basis of the dream of cheap electricity from ZETA to the present day 'Tokomaks'. An open-ended coil will not contain plasma; the system must be a toroid. Apart from anything else a wound string built on the basis of a music string would not have the required strength. I cannot see any future in pursuing this idea." "A wound musical string such as a guitar string relies on the central core for its strength. The coiled section is there to add weight, and therefor lower the frequency; it adds nothing to the strength of the string. The only use for the 'flat' wound string is to enable a rock and roll guitarist to slide his or her fingers over the fret board more quickly. The sustain properties of a musical instrument depend upon the material of which the instrument is made and the manner of playing, rather than the string. A violin has sustain because the bow constantly vibrates the string; indeed the body of a violin is heavily varnished in an attempt to quieten the instrument. On the other hand an acoustic guitar has poor sustain and is only lightly varnished so as not to kill any sustain that there is; there have also been many many experiments with different shaped back and side panels to eliminate dead spots and areas where sound can be 'trapped'. I would refer Mr. Acworth to the experiments by Leo Fender and Les Paul, who independently found that a guitar string had more sustain when used on a solid body. Hence, the development of the solid bodied electric guitar. The majority of these are made of a hard wood and the best have steel or brass inserts under the bridge to increase sustain. The feedback Mr. Acworth mentions is no more than the effect of taking an electric guitar close to its associated speaker, when feedback or 'howl round' becomes obvious. I have departed from Mr. Acworth's plasma containment idea to discuss his other concepts. I defer to his knowledge of music strings, but I am sure that he will agree with me that a string is only as good as the instrument it is fitted to. I do not wish to appear flippant, but knowledge of the acoustic properties of catgut and brass does not explain Beethoven's fifth symphony. Likewise knowledge of musical string construction does not add to the theory of particle physics..." Once again thank you for for sending such a well-supported explanation of your idea to support a speaking length of ionising gas plasma within a composite music string. It is with regret that I have to send what I know will be a disappointing reply but as previously stated our knowledge of music string behaviour is limited. On the other hand the basics of particle physics is fully understood but not as a combined concept within a composite wound music string. Yours sincerely... So; if it's all a bunch of nonsense (disregarding the fact that they have completely misunderstood the entire concept and it is obvious that nobody has actually read the thing through properly), he decides to request carte blanche to publish.They reply:- |
This is an extremely stressful period and, probably due to just that fact (and here is where the special effects would become necessary), Steve experiences what is commonly described as a "Walk-in". This is somewhere between a complete hallucination and a ghostly haunting. The event is described here. In brief, he is visited by the apparition of Leonardo Da Vinci, who hangs around, invisible to everybody else of course but who gives him a lesson in painting (visualisation technique) to help with the fire-hoses in the painting he is currently working on - and again quotes the burning statement, in précis:- "You will be the man who makes toys for the children who ride in spaceships".
Rather like the guy in "Close Encounters", who fixates on the mountain, this event reinforces his life-long obsession with all things Leonardo-esque and he launches into copy painting the Mona Lisa and the Virgin with St. Ann - a task made difficult by his partial colour-blindness and complete lack of formal painting discipline (never having been to Art College). If you have explored this CDROM, you'll know that the author is an intensely practical and fairly logical person. That "walk-in" event seemed extremely real and its effect was nothing if not humbling. I have no answers to it except that it raised in my mind the question of the direction of time itself. (Note:- Somewhat bizarrely, I'd recorded this track back in 1987 (written in 1969) on a crude 4-track tape machine (set in a page here). Titled "My Friend Leonardo", it contains references to carbon fibre and gravity. Inspired by a sci-fi story about someone who had a theory that his "Virgin of The Rocks" painting was done on the Moon, because of the strange and ethereal lighting.) |
So realising that in this modern age, the only way to be taken seriously is to provide the information in digital format, he gets his first computer in April 2001 and starts from the beginning again, learning how to cope (or not as the case may be), with Mr, Gates' fabulously flawed operating system. You are witnessing the results.
If you can grasp the idea, your reaction will be extremely rare. Since the publication of the web site: (live internet link) (complete site folder on this CDROM) despite numerous polite approaches, much abuse has been hurled at the author from the direction of the scientific community; this is certainly understandable and merely serves to amuse. This story isn't over. It is happenning now.
Moreover it is the firm belief of the author that the "Sonoluminescence Projector" is a genuinely practical device that, when built, will provide at least and probably more than:-
1:- Localised gravity direction control (thus negating destructive asteroid collision risk). |
2:- An immensely powerful laser-type weapon that runs on water (and a drop of mercury). |
3:- An electromagnetic field which can disable all local conventional electronic systems. |
So, conventional fuel-cell technologies pale into insignificance beside the Axis Node Key Handle (The Ankh). The wheel, rocket and wing are potentially obsoleted overnight along, potentially, with the oil industry and world economy; but this cannot be allowed to happen and the Ankh can only be made by those holding the correct exact formula for the string. The machine provides everything necessary for human survival in terms of warmth, heat, light, transport and defence. In the wake of its development the planet returns to a much greener state; such nuclear waste as already exists can be safely shipped out cheaply to the Moon (which is no longer required as a "springboard" for outward bound expeditions) and Mankind truly enters The Space Age properly. The dream of mass-exodus to other galaxies becomes a reality instead of science fiction as Man becomes God (as is his true vocation).
For the immediate future though, just the ability to cease the destructive methods of current civilization is boon enough.
Oh, what fun!
(Not to mention the vast volumes of ice which can suddenly be moved with ease to desert areas; thus enabling their conversion in a very short space of time to fertile and productive agricultural landscapes.)
In purely practical terms we grow to acknowledge that we need to to take with us when we "boldly go" some stuff that will work if we only manage to crash-land. One thing that will give us a survival advantage, "grounded" on an Earth-type planet, would be an axe-head, cast in a commonly available ore which we could quickly learn to mine and process. This artifact happens to be the only suitably portable "off-switch" that works safely with the Ankh: the copper or bronze double-axe (for safety best used mounted on the end of a stick). In crude ingot form it can easily be adopted as an exchange currency. Unless we take a string factory with us though, our main tool will soon become redundant and within a couple of generations will pass into myth and legend. The crude symbology will become religion and as was the case with the Minoan civilization, major works of masonry-cutting are gradually reduced in scale down to fine engraving as the string gradually runs out... |
There has been much talk of "Grand Unified Theories" and "A Theory of Everything" . Well, here is, at long and truthful last:- the complete answer in layman's terms, expressed using just one number (2); it is irrefutable simple logic.
"Any single bubble sonoluminescence collapse event, since it involves the generation of light by its occurrence, must by definition involve an electromagnetic pulse. Therefore if any two such events occur at precisely the same time and in the same container, then in the direction (vector) described by the said two position / events, a discrete wavelength is surely illustrated by the distance of their separation and that wavelength defines a new discrete frequency." |
Do please let me know if you have any reaction at all to this synopsis, especially if you can find any flaw in the basic hypothesis. |
I have done all that I can. The theory now needs practical testing. |
must fly; best wishes... steve acworth:~ |
The author holds copyright in the name quantumprobabilitydrivetechnologies