a bit of String Theory wouldn't go amiss here.
There is a general concensus of opinion (many claim to have a GUT feeling
about it) that it's quite possible the whole shooting match is made
of string anyway. Some people even say it's all wound up in little balls.
If you're like me, with very little comprehension of anything not nailed
to the floor and tangible, you may find the following version helpful:
many science fiction stories there are lots of universes and realities
and we're only a stone's throw away from any of them ~ like they are
all a bit overlapping. If you consider the thing to be like little Russian
dolls, one nested inside the other, on and on for ever bigger and smaller,
depending on which way you're facing, you can also consider vibrating
string harmonics in the same way. If 'our' universe is just one harmonic
in a much longer string but at the same time is also its own whole string
with ever smaller harmonics of its own, each harmonic being yet another
complete universe, it somehow takes the pressure off having to consider
the notion of 'infinity' at all. It does. Well, I find it does anyway...
so often we get yet another story in the media about some 'mad' boffin
who's made an 'antigravity' engine
in his garden shed. The urban legend decrees that the oil companies
hush him up or buy him out and we still don't have antigravity, whichever
way the cookie crumbles, otherwise NASA wouldn't still be launching
the huge, clumsy and dangerous fireworks that represent the pinnacle
of their (admittedly not unsubstantial) achievement. Would they? I mean,
Area 51 or not, no cover up neccessary ~ we just ain't cracked it yet...
further reading...
~ to be continued... (rebuilding) am
I wrong? any ideas? mail me...