portrait of the Queen's favourite piper 1993 (oils)
back to the beginning
plastic acoustic guitars
string mechanics
in one paragraph?
complete specification
ubiquitous part No.7
carbon fibres & why?
first principles
large exploded plans1
large exploded plans 2
section of central part
parts and materials
disc power
adjacent fibres
symmetrical harmonics
simple harmonics
blind alleys
what's important?
water strings?
list of key points
axle and rotor
left hand rule
evidence for antipathy
a good place to begin
dynamics of change
a strange quirk of strings
safety and adjustment
the "off-switch"
waves in water strings
slow loaders
the old front door
duality & myth
rocking horse poo
guitar mechanic blues
Radical & Crazy
Hey Joe!
bin_laden stuff
the links page
this 'ere bit
Mona Lisa (copy)
Virgin with St. Ann
rest your eyes here
puzzle corner
music files
the gong way in